How To Generate Home Inspection Leads

A complete guide on home inspection marketing to realtors
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An Easy To Follow Guide: Generating Home Inspection Leads From Agents

By Christian Adams
Christian is a former real estate broker and top-producing agent who lead teams of over 150 agents to $150MIL in annual sales

If you’re just starting out as a home inspector, or you have an established inspection business that you’re looking to expand, you’ve probably been told that marketing to Realtors/Brokers is a good way to grow your business. 


Well it is, but only if you go about it the right way. Do it the wrong way, and you’ll find you’ve spent thousands of dollars and countless hours with nothing to show for it. 


This free guide is designed to show you simple STEP-BY-STEP actions you can take today to grow your business as a home inspector by creating lasting relationships with top agents and equipping you with the knowledge you need to begin generating home inspection leads. It’s loosely based on a Tech Talk I gave at Inspection World New Orleans 2020 titled “HOW TO TARGET, ACQUIRE AND RETAIN TOP REFERRING AGENTS”.  


Or watch our recent InterNACHI webinar below for a full step-by-step guide on how you can use FREE online tools and methods to build your business as a home inspector!

Before I co-founded Repair Pricer and started building our home inspection cost calculator, I was an agent and broker in Texas. We had offices in Dallas, Austin and San Antonio with up to 85 full-time agents working across the state, and as the partner in charge of marketing I was INUNDATED with cold-calls and sales requests from all sorts of companies – contractors, marketing agencies, sign companies, janitorial services, (strangely a LOT of vending machine companies?), AND also home inspectors. 


It got so bad that I actually switched my phone to “do not disturb mode” 24/7. Basically, if you weren’t in my phone book, you weren’t getting through to me. The main problem wasn’t that we didn’t need any of these services, we often did, it’s just that there was no value to the messages I received. 


Normally they were boilerplate, non-personalized mass emails, voicemail drops and even flyer drops at my office that were aimed at every agent in the city, so I never felt compelled to respond. 


Because it was so clear it was just mass marketing, and I simply didn’t have time to talk to some random salesperson for three hours. 


So how do you break through the noise and actually get home inspection referrals, and more importantly, is it worth it?


Firstly, for those of you who may be skeptical about home inspection marketing to realtors to get your business (or part of your business) let me explain why this is actually a good approach:


  • Agent referrals are (almost) FREE
  • Agents are trained to give/receive referrals already
  • If you don’t take referrals your competitors will
  • Even if you do your own marketing most buyers STILL ask their agent before deciding
  • In some markets the agent calls the shots

Now that I’m sure you’re 100% convinced that this is a strategy for your business, let’s look at HOW to get home inspection leads from real estate agents.

I’ll show you the simple actions you can take today (for free) to become the go-to home inspector for top producing agents in YOUR market, including simple data-research techniques to get you in front of the right agents, effective email and call scripts you can use to become confident when you approach new agents, and easy-to-use worksheets to help you plan your campaigns. 

Fill out the form below to download your free step-by-step guide!

I hear a lot from new inspectors who say they are struggling to get their first 5, 10 or 15 inspections under their belt. Which is why I wrote this free guide in the first place.

Trust me, if you’re in that boat or you’re just looking for a way to increase your business, the methods described in my easy-to-follow guide do work. You just need to have a plan in place and then actually follow that plan. So download it now and get to work today!

And if you’re struggling to think about what your USP could be, then consider adding Repair Pricer functionality to your reports. Setup takes just minutes, we always offer a free trial for home inspectors, and agents and clients LOVE our service.


Reach out to us on our Partner Page if you’d like more information. And best of luck marketing!

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